This blog describes Flow, a static type checker for JavaScript. It provides getting started details and basic concepts of type checking using Flow.
Blogger: V. Keerti Kotaru . Author of Angular Material book
What is Flow?
Flow is a static type checker for JavaScript. It is an open source project by Facebook (GitHub link). It enables specifying types for variables and objects in JavaScript.Flow type checking could be run on a console. Easier option is to use plug-ins or extensions with IDEs. I use Visual Studio Code for JavaScript development. I find Flow Language Support extension by Flowtype publisher pretty useful. Follow the link to view and install it.
How does it work?
Specifying types for JavaScript variables and objects could be useful as they point out common code errors that could result in bugs. However, browsers do not understand flow syntax and type annotations. Flow types need to be stripped off before running on the browser. And hence Flow is a static type checker, rather than a language.Setup Flow
Assuming an NPM package is setup for the sample code repo, install Flow using as a dev dependency on the project.npm install --save-dev flow-bin
We may use Babel plug-in to strip off types. But for simplicity, in this getting started blog, I'm using flow-remove-types NPM package.
Install flow-remove-types package globally on your machine.
npm install -g flow-remove-types
The code sample described in the blog is launched to Index.html. Sample also has a JavaScript file with type syntax, named index.js. As described above, once we add Flow types to the code, browser can't understand Flow syntax. Hence we will generate JavaScript file without Flow types for browsers to run. In the sample I named it bundle.js. It is generated using the flow-remove-types script. Add reference to bundle.js in Index.html
Run the following command to strip types.
flow-remove-types index.js --out-file bundle.js
Refer to complete code at this link
JavaScript Idioms
Flow claims to work well with JavaScript style of coding and idioms. I attempted the following basic samples.In the index.js to start type checking add the following comment on top of the file.
// @flow
Consider following function
// @flow
((number1, number2) => number1 * number2)(10,20)
The function takes two parameters number1 and number2. In the above statement we are calling the function with values 10 and 20. Here flow is inferring a type number to the parameters as we are calling the function with numeric values. Consider following code erroneously providing string on the first parameter.
// notice first parameter is a string.
((number1, number2) => number1 * number2)('Im String',20)
Flow points out the error on variable number1, string (The operand of an arithmetic operation must be a number.).
In the above example, we haven't started using types yet. Just by adding the // @flow comment on top of the file, type checking can begin and certain problems are alerted. However, the error is shown on the statement multiplying numbers for an incorrect parameter value. Flow implied string variable because the function was called with a string. It showed the error as it finds multiplication applied on string.
Add types
Adding types makes the developer intent clear. We can declare a variable with syntax variableName: type syntax. Consider following sample
let isItCool:boolean;
isItCool = true;
We declared a boolean and assigned true. Assigning a non boolean will show the type error.
isItCool = "test string";
string (This type is incompatible with boolean)
Now, let's rewrite the above multiplication function with types in paramters
((number1: number, number2: number) => number1 * number2)('Im String',20)
Let us now consider specifying return type. Here I modified multiplication to addition, a string parameter will result in concatenating two values. Consider following code,
((number1, number2) => number1 + number2)('10',20)
// It will result in 1020
This depicts why explicit typing is important to avoid bugs. Consider specifying return type on the function. Following is the modified function. Notice the highlighted part for return type.
((number1, number2):number => number1 + number2)('10',20)
Specifying return type results in error depicting resultant string is incompatible with numeric type.
string (This type is incompatible with the expected return type of number
string (This type is incompatible with the expected return type of number
However specifying input parameters' type will point out error with string input parameter for number type in the first place.
References and more reading material
Complete Sample - getting started guide here,
Visual Studio Code plug-in for Flow
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